MQ-7 Carbon Monoxide Sensor

Rs 100

MQ-7 Sensor Module

Carbon monoxide gas is a very dangerous, harmful, and toxic gas for the normal environment. Since the gas has no color and is odorless, so it cannot be smelt or seen. So, if there is carbon monoxide gas in the surroundings, the person really would get no idea that they are breathing in CO until he/she feels not safe. So, it is necessary to have detected that toxic gas. Hence, there is an MQ7 gas detector sensor that can detect this harmful gas. Below is the complete description of this sensor.


  • Temperature: 20°C ± 2°C
  • Humidity: 65% ± 5% RH
  • Standard Test Circuit: Vc: 5.0V ± 0.1V; Vh(high):5.0V±0.1V
  • Vh(low): 1.5V±0.1V 

Pinout of MQ7

Pin NumberPin NameDescription
1VccThe [in is there to power the module, requires 5V
2GroundTo connect the module to the system’s common ground
3Digital OutDigital output pin, the Threshold value can be set by using the potentiometer
4Analog OutAnalog output pin. Analog voltage based on the concentration of the gas 

  • Model: MQ4

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